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How We're Using 'Hybrid Emails' To Predictably Make $10,000 - $30,000 In Coaching and Course Sales Each Month

And You Don't Need to Create Another New Offer, No Ads, No Posting on Social Media and No A.I.

Do you wish your sales and income were more consistent and less up-and-down?

Discover how I've been able to finally make advertising easier, increase my sales by 1800% (that's not a typo) and earn more from my email subscribers. With the lessons from this webinar. WATCH THIS:

Dear fellow business owner...

Back when I started my online business in 2009 I spent months on the yo-yo of cashflow.

Good months with good sales and bad months with..well, not enough.

And it's so exhausting!

Now, having worked with 1,573 clients who sell their expertise too - there's a common thread...

Until you get to a consistent income of $10,000 coming in every month it all feels very shaky. Vulnerable.

That's why I teach other people like us how to crack that critical milestone.

Hello, I'm Kennedy...

Not only have I spoken about these techniques on stage alongside the likes of Steven Bartlett, Jazmine Star, Ryan Deiss and Ali Abdaal...

But I use these techniques in my own businesses to generate sales every day.

That's more than $2.4million in sales in just one of my business Stripe accounts.

So yes, on this webinar I'm going to be very real with you.

And you're going to see behind the scenes of...

Natalie Ellis, BossBabe and CEO Mamma

Just off stage with Steven Bartlett

How I Made $2.4million+ In Course and Coaching Sales In Spite of Having a Tiny Audience and Sucking At Ads

It might only be 43-mins long but during this new training webinar we're going deep. Here's what you're going to learn when you register:

New On-Demand Webinar for Coaches, Course Creators and Online Business Owners...

The Mechanism for Consistent Sales


Straight into the action - we kick off the class by revealling the #1 sales-making mechanism used by every successful entrepreneur online including Amy Porterfield, Natalie Ellis, Brendon Burchard, Rich Schefren, Jenna Kutcher and Russell Brunson.

With this you'll be completely free of fads and the ups and downs.

'L&E' Emails for Instant 

and Automated Sales


Now I give you the system that means your emails produce sales on command, whenever you want them.

And then how to automate them so these emails are working for you day and night, producing that consistent flow of sales we all need.

By the end of this section you're going to have a plan in place to bring in sales of your programs predictably, on autopilot.

My 1800% Sales Boost Secret


We go out on a high note as I walk you through how I took my one product and increased the sales of it by just over 1800%.

  • Without growing my list or audience.
  • With the same product.
  • Without any discounting.

And it's almost automatic once you put this in place.

Grab your Spot On This New 

On-Demand Webinar


1. When is the training?

Us course creators and coaches are busy and you want this solution right now - so there's no waiting. It's on demand. Watch it right now.

2. Will the lessons apply to me and my business?

These techniques are specifically for people with an online course, a coaching offer or educational membership and who genuinely care about helping people then yes. This is not for anyone who is just looking to 'make money online'.

3. How is this approach different to what I've learned and tried before?

Most marketing approaches require you to do a ton of work before seeing any kind of results. This unique approach produces results while you're building it. Oh and it doesn't require you to make more offers or just run discounts and 'sales' on things over and over again.

4. How long is the training?

Unlike those long drawn out 2-3hrs webinars, we cut out the fluff. We know you need a solution and you're busy so it's straight into the meat and that means it's only 38-mins long.

5. Is it free? Why? 

Yes, register and attend the class on-demand totally free. Here's my secret super clever masterplan: if I give you a load of good stuff and show you just how good our stuff is then there's a good chance you'll want to join one of my paid programs. But I figured I'd prove how completely different this approach is by letting you see it first.

Disclaimers: This site is not part of Facebook or Meta and is in no way associated with those companies.

Earnings: TAny results I share on this page and on the webinar are examples of my personal results and results of particular clients that they shared on social media. They are intended to celebrate those people and inspire you but are absolutely not a promise or indication of your results as yours will be different. I don't know your business, how well or if you will implement anything - truth is most people won't do anything.

Meet Your Tutor and Guide

Entrepreneur, course creator, membership site owner and coach - Kennedy is known as one of top authorities on conversion-based email marketing in the world.

Before all of that, the guy with the funky hair-style was raised in a working-class family near Newcastle in the North East of England.

Seeing his parents struggling to juggle 3 jobs each in order to pay the bills - Kennedy was compelled to forge a different path. One to take control of his future.

In 2009 he started selling digital poducts such as e-books an e-courses (back then, putting videos online was hard!).

Over the past 15 years he has appeared on hundreds of top business podcasts and travelled the world. You might have experienced him speaking on stage and at masterminds all over the world, from London to Las Vegas.

Kennedy has built a multi million dollar business by cracking the code on email marketing. And now shares that with businesses around the world.Â