Fixed Date Timer

Before you automate one of these urgency campaigns, you should run it ‘live’ to your email list to make a chunk of cash in a hurry and increase your fast return on investment on all of those costs of creating a new offer. Use a real, fixed date timer for your next live launch, event or webinar. Just choose a specific expiry date, time and time-zone and within seconds your urgency is done, so that you don’t need more than one tool. Countdown Hero has you covered.

Your best launch, made evergreen

Takes those campaigns that absolutely crushed it and keeps them running 24/7, 365 without lifting a finger so that every new subscriber or customer has the best opportunity to buy more (and more quickly).

Embed Into Any Pages Or Funnels

We’re not fussy. You can embed your Countdown Hero timers into any page, checkout or funnel, no matter what it’s built in. We’ll give you a simple line of code (yup, just ONE line) and you can paste it anywhere onto your page and the wizardry will just happen.

Auto-Pilot Expiration

Hands-free means hands-free. Your campaigns will, launch, run and expire without you. There’s no need to be sitting by the computer to manually switch your campaigns on or off. Choose your settings once and we’ll reliably run the campaign for you (exactly as you intended), to make you more money while you’re playing with your kids, at the movies, travelling or sleeping.

Creates Launch-Like Urgency and Sales Every Day with Unique Countdown Timers Coded to Every Email Subscriber

Predictable, perpetual profits

Automatically drives daily sales to eliminate ‘feast or famine’ mode, so you can stop worrying about where the next sale will come from and focus on all the stuff you actually want to do.

One-time payment, lifetime access

Increase profits, improve cashflow and drop those overpriced monthly fees. Pay just once to have the urgency piece of your marketing taken care of forever.

The New Way to Grab Your Audience's Attention to Create Reliable, Predictable, Daily Floods Of Sales And Remove ‘Feast Or Famine’ From Your Business, While Also Training Your Customers To Buy From You Again And Again.

…Without Stressful Launches, ‘Churn-And-Burn’

Marketing Tricks Or Dirty Fake Urgency

These days, your audience has too many distractions stealing their attention away from buying from you… their newsfeed is full of ‘Gurus’ with big ad budgets, their inbox is overflowing  with sales pitches and there’s a new course full of big, overblown promises every week.

And then there attention is being grabbed by the stuff that is actually urgent like paying their bills, making it to their kids’ sports games or dealing with illness in the family.

This attention crisis throws your products to the bottom of the priority list of your dream customers no matter how much they need your help. So if you’re ever frustrated by all the people in your audience who should (but haven’t) bought from you… now you know why.

Make Buying from You A Priority

Without a reason to buy right NOW - people put it off until tomorrow and we all know that tomorrow… is NEVER.

And to add insult to injury, when you do add a splash of urgency to your offers… your subscribers are cynical or sneaky, by using incognito mode, switching devices or refreshing the page, to dodge their countdown timer.

(And when they can get around your deadlines, that slaughters the urgency, making it a waste of time)

Countdown Hero Has All The Features You Need

(And A Bunch You Didn't Even Know You Needed)

The 404 Method

Turns the sales pages that you already have into undercover, high-converting sales people. For the first time ever, The 404 Method, makes your sales pages completely invisible to anyone who is not in a Countdown Hero campaign, for real, legitimate urgency. When your offers expire, they expire - which trains your customers to jump up, switch off from scrolling on Tiktok and BUY.

Your subscribers can literally throw their computer out of the window, travel across the world, buy a new computer and connect to the Internet from another IP address and they still cannot get around this expiration.

Plus Over $2,696 In Bonuses

  • Build your launch waiting list and automatically redirect to your sales page when your waiting list hits a certain number of subscribers or at a specific date or time.
  • Display how many people are on your waiting list and how many places are still available on your sales page, woven straight into your sales copy. Yes, dynamically merged into your sales page. It’s BEAUTIFUL.
  • Automatically raise the price based on how many items have sold, so that you can run hands-free ‘dimesale’ type launches with the price jumping up automatically..
  • Embed directly into your sales pages and shopping carts, so that it’s unavoidable scarcity and you can’t accidentally over-sell your capacity.
  • Automatically close your launch and redirect to a “OFFER CLOSED” page as soon as you sell out.

The whole thing works with your existing email platform and funnels/pages, eliminating ALL of the manual labour associated with launching.

When you grab this Countdown Hero offer on this page today, you’ll find the complete Scarcity Hero software as soon as you log in.

HINT: You can even use Scarcity Hero and Countdown Hero together, for urgency + scarcity combined.

*Note: Direct integration with your email platform is needed for Scarcity Hero.


Scarcity Hero

Countdown Hero takes care of time-based urgency. So, what about scarcity, where your product is limited by the number of units available? That’s where the revolutionary Scarcity Hero comes in.

With a few clicks from a simple interface, you can create powerful scarcity campaigns for your next launch that will:


Explode Your Evergreen Sales With Countdown Hero

Adding Real, Perpetual Urgency To Your Email Campaigns Has NEVER Been Easier…

A Complete Solution For Evergreen Urgency

Automate your best marketing, running 24/7, making sales around the clock

Run high-converting evergreen flash sales, explode your upsell conversions and quickly turn subscribers into customers

Maximise your lifetime customer value with increased repeat purchases

Drop directly into your existing funnels and watch the conversions multiply before the end of the day

Use real, legitimate urgency and scarcity with every promotion that you ever run

Make buying from you a priority right now, boosting sales for every single product.

One-time price and no on-going costs.

Plug urgency into your web pages and emails to surround your audience

Countdown Hero Pricing vs The Competition


(Most comparable plan)


*The word “lifetime” applies to the lifetime of the product. It’s a shame that so many softwares are not supported a few months after being on sale - but just like our previous software, ResponseSuite - we will be supporting and developing this for years to come and we guarantee a minimum of 5 years - but our plan is much, much longer than that.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook INC. This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook INC.

Any claims made on this page are not claims of specific results we can achieve for everyone. Our software's results will be different from person to person.

Get Instant Access Now

Frequently asked questions:

Does Countdown Hero have recurring fees?

For a limited time, you can get full access to Countdown Hero without paying ANY recurring fees.

Does Countdown Hero work on my computer?

You can access Countdown Hero from any device with an internet connection.

Do I need any tech skills to make this work?

No! Countdown Hero does not require any technical expertise whatsoever!

Does Countdown Hero work with email marketing platforms?

No. Just kidding. Current integrations are: Aweber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Drip, GetResponse, HighLevel, Kartra, Keap, Klaviyo, MailChimp, Mailerlite, Mailvio, Ontraport.

Does Countdown Hero work with my web pages?

Yes. You can embed Countdown Hero timers into any pages, built in any technology.

What if I have other questions?

Countdown Hero comes with training and comprehensive email support in case you ever have any questions.

Does Countdown Hero support multiple languages?

Yes! Countdown Hero allows you to add custom text in any language across all your countdowns.

Eliminate Feast & Famine, To Work Less AndBoost Conversions With Countdown Hero

Make More Profits With Your Existing Marketing. 

Quickly & Easily Multiply Your Sales With Countdown Hero By The End Of Today.

Buy Today - Just $97 For Lifetime

That’s Why We Created Countdown Hero

Countdown Hero is the first all-in-one urgency solution that turns the sales pages that you’ve already got into secret, ‘undercover cash machines’ with truly limited special offers, personalised and coded to each individual subscriber.

Your special offer is completely unavailable to anyone who is NOT going through a Countdown Hero campaign but can be deployed at any time, to any subscriber… at exactly the right moment. When they’re not going through the campaign, they’ll literally just see a 404 error, as if that page doesn’t exist. 

That means rushes of sales from secure, unavoidable and impenetrable urgency, all without hefty monthly fees or outdated, easy-to-break technology (like cookies).

Countdown Hero comes packed with a powerful ‘point and click’ feature set so that you can build this straight into your existing tools and unleash a new campaign in less than 90 seconds…

Yah, finally a solution that means if you can copy and paste, you can use it to make stacks of sales. What a beauty!

Evergreen Flash Sale Countdown

Gives every subscriber their own unique ‘flash sale’ style countdown timer, only giving them access to the offer page during this very specific window. Want the offer to expire in 3 days at 10pm? Or how about 5 days at  3pm? Configure this in seconds and watch every person rampantly running to buy your offers before their uniquely-coded timer hits zero.

Upsell Amplifier Countdown

It’s no secret that ‘tripwire conversions’ are falling and it’s hard to make them feel really urgent. The Upsell Amplifier Countdown turns those tripwire offers or upsell offers into a ‘must-buy’. As every new subscriber opts in (or customers buy something), give your next offer an inescapable countdown timer, whether you want it to be available for 20 minutes or 24 hours… just type a number into a box and Countdown Hero makes it happen, boosting your conversions every single time (like clockwork).

Easy, Detailed Contact Reporting

With the click of a button, you can get a crystal-clear snapshot of every contact who is (or has been) through any of your Countdown Heroes. Instantly see when they entered the campaign, when they will expire and how they got added to the campaign, making customer support a cinch and giving you the quiet confidence that everything is working exactly as it should be, without needing an engineering degree!

5 Live Countdown Hero Campaigns

Turn subscribers into customers AND then turn customers into repeat customers, to maximise your lifetime value from everyone you ever meet. You can have 5 ‘live’ Countdown Heroes running at any time, to build into different campaigns, and multiply the conversions by up to 400% across your business. 5 campaigns x 400%...we can’t even do that maths - but it’s a LOT.

2000 Countdown Hero Subscribers/Month

Oh, great. More maths! We know that Countdown Hero boosts sales conversions, automatically. So, now imagine those profits soaring from up to 2000 subscribers and customers hurtling through your campaigns. Every. Single. Month. That’s 24,000 people per year paying you more.

(Need more? On the next page we will show you how to unlock unlimited subscribers for a small 1-time upgrade).

Email Embed Widget

Your people are busy. They’re going to miss some details. So, surround your email subscribers 360 degrees by dropping your Countdown Hero timers into your emails too. Yes, ticking countdown timers right in the emails in their inboxes. These things grab eyeballs and have more people rushing to your sales pages! They can match the ones you embed onto your webpage OR look totally different - that choice is yours, with a couple of clicks.

Repeat Countdowns

Countdown Hero gives you maximum flexibility. Get even more juice from every countdown, want your subscribers to repeat a campaign in the future? No problem! Just switch this feature on and you can have the same subscriber repeat a Countdown Hero either immediately OR after any number of days that you like.

Single-Screen, Point & Click Interface

Nobody needs another complicated tool to use. Frustrated by other software, we’ve built the whole Countdown Hero interface into ONE simple, beautiful screen. There’s nothing to ‘code’ yourself. Just point, click, choose some options, type some numbers and click a button. We’ll take care of everything else. It’s honestly like our favourite child.

Integrations With Top Email Marketing Platforms, Autoresponders & CRM’s

I’m going to say this twice. We integrate directly with email marketing platforms, autoresponders and CRMs. We integrate directly with email marketing platforms, autoresponders and CRMs. DIRECTLY. You don’t need to pay for another third-party tool to hook this up with your marketing.

Current integrations are: Aweber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Drip, GetResponse, HighLevel, Kartra, Keap, Klaviyo, MailChimp, Mailerlite, Mailvio, Ontraport.

Founders One-Time Pricing

Other comparable tools charge $99-199+ per month to do some of what is possible with Countdown Hero. And (until now) the only way to get Countdown Hero was by paying $149/month in our membership, The League. We’re currently offering special one-time founder’s pricing, including lifetime updates.

Act now and avoid monthly fees, to pay less for a best-in-class evergreen urgency solution that drives more sales.

Instant, Dynamic Updates

Let’s take some more work off your plate. If you need to make a change to your campaign, just log into Countdown Hero and with a couple of clicks it’s done. You don’t need to update your funnels at all - every change that you make inside our interface will instantly appear on your pages and emails, exactly as you intended.

Nothing To Download Or Install

We’ve bought our fair share of clunky plugins and downloadable apps that just cause problems and are a nightmare to troubleshoot. That’s why the Countdown Hero software is entirely hosted by us. Nothing to install, no FTP, widgets that might conflict, or other technical shenanigans. Just log in and use it, any time - 24/7, from any computer in the world.

Stunning Design Templates

Hey, good lookin’. Oh, sorry. I was talking about your new Countdown Hero timer, although you’re very lovely too. We know that looks matter, when it comes to marketing. That’s why we’ve built 5 completely different ready-to-rock templates that you can choose from with ONE click. 

Merge Expiration Date & Time Into Your Emails

What do we want? Less vague email copy. When do we want it? NOW. With Countdown Hero, you don’t need to write random emails and hope for the best. You can merge the exact date and time of each subscribers’ individual countdown expiry into your emails, so you can specifically tell them to buy it “Before Tuesday at 10pm” (and format that HOWEVER you want). Cool, huh? This makes you more sales because it looks like a real-time sale. Which it is. Just for them.

Fully Mobile Friendly

Countdown Hero timers are completely responsive, so they’ll look great whether however you stretch and view them on desktop, mobile or tablet.

Revolutionary ‘Test Mode’

Testing campaigns like these was historically treacherous and complicated and with other solutions you can end up locked out of your own campaigns or stuck in a loop. No more! Just toggle-on our ‘Test Mode’ while you’re getting set up to make sure that you can access all of your pages and offers. As soon as you’re ready to go live, just toggle it back off.

Pass Tracking Parameters & Subscriber Details

If you’re like us, you love to keep a beady eye on where your sales are coming from. That’s cool. IF you’re an advanced tracking parameters user, you’ll love using Countdown Hero. We’ll automatically pass any URL parameters and query strings from an email to your sales pages, including the subscribers email address. Nerds unite!

Segment Subscribers

Tag and segment subscribers in your email platform, autoresponder or CRM when they complete a Countdown Hero campaign, so that you’ll always know who’s who and what’s what, to avoid embarrassment or awkwardness from putting the wrong people into the wrong campaigns.

Trigger From A Web Hook

If your email platform supports HTTP posts and webhooks, then you can trigger a Countdown Hero campaign from those. No complicated programming to do, just copy and paste a single URL into an automation and we’ll catch your subscribers to start your campaign.

Trigger From An Opt-In Or Purchase

We love to use Countdown Hero with our tripwire offers and upsells. That’s why we’ve made it easy to trigger a campaign from any opt-in or order form. We’ll give you one URL and show you where to put it, and then it’ll just happen, for you.

Trigger From A Link Click

When your subscribers click a link in your emails, they’re expressing intent and interest in buying from you. So, why not trigger your Countdown Hero campaign as soon as that happens? Just swap out ONE link in your emails for the one we’ll give you and it’s DONE.

Tutorials & Training

You don’t need to hire a pro to put Countdown Hero to work in your business. The whole app is riddled with short, consumable video tutorials that will show you exactly how to use every single function. Watch directly over our shoulder and then copy what we do, without even needing to leave the app.




Evergreen Urgency Battle Plan

Win the war against low sales as we take you from zero to hero with this easy-to-follow training, where you will be able to learn ALL the battle-tested techniques on how to use Countdown Hero’s personal evergreen urgency to make you an army of sales and cash.

VALUE $199.00 


Subject Lines That Drive Sales

Want more people to engage with your Countdown Hero campaigns? No problem - we’ll hand you our flagship engagement-driven Subject Lines training. Complete system for your own compelling subject lines that get more opens, clicks, and sales without using formulas.

VALUE $199.00 


The ‘SOLD OUT’ Masterclass

Live masterclass full of fun and effective ways to sell out every product you have and would LIKE to have. Including our 5-step method we used to increase the sales of one product my 1800%. We shit you not. And it’s simple as hell. And we’ll show you how to get it tailored to you. This class is ONLY for our brand new Countdown Hero users. It’s a fast track to success with Countdown Hero and your business. Believe us, you won’t want to miss this if you value your bank balance.

VALUE $299.00 

Charitable Giving

$97 one-time payment

$99 per month

$99 per year

(Limited to 1 site)

Save Big With Countdown Hero

Ultra-Low Pricing Still Available

Course Creators

Membership Sites

Coaches & Consultants

SaaS Businesses

Marketing Agencies

Fitness Studios

Leisure Establishments

Affiliate Marketers

Ecommerce Stores

Business to Business

Business to Consumer

Countdown Hero Works With Your Existing Tech To SKYROCKET Your Sales From The Inside

Works With All Major Autoresponders INCLUDING (But Not Limited To):

The fact that I can give people personalised countdowns that I know they can't cheat or get around (like you can with other tools) let's me set this up on autopilot and I don't have to worry about anything!

- Emily Hughes

Online Business Owners Love Countdown Hero


I’ve been trying to work out for the last two years how to install a countdown timer on my emails and could never crack it. Your simple instructions took me 15 minutes max to install and it looks great.

- Kerry Hall

100% Translatable

You can fully customise all of the text on your timer, to suit any language you like and reach even more people, in even more parts of the world.

Perfectly Synced Countdown Timers

Your on-page and in-email timers all sing the same tune. Whether your subscribers look in their email OR on the page, their countdown timers all show exactly the same amount of time remaining, so everything is logical, consistent and trustworthy.

Use On Unlimited Sites/Domains

Your business needs flexibility. Use Countdown Hero on as many URLs, sites or domains as you want. No restrictions, it just works. Got a different domain name for every product or funnel? You’re covered!

Web Page Embed Widget

Quickly and easily embed your stuh-nning Countdown Hero timers into your existing funnels. Bam - right there ON your sales page. Whether you use ClickFunnels, Wordpress, Convertri …paste the code in and kapow! Your countdown is live!

Floating Top & Bottom Bar

Now with added sexy, you can have your Countdown Hero timers sitting directly on the page itself, or as a full-width or floating bar that follows your subscribers eyes down the page.

Oh, and say “Hello, increased conversions” when you add a headline, subheadline and button to the Countdown Timer bar.

Adding a Countdown Hero to an offer is the fastest and most surefire way of causing a rush of sales to an offer. That real urgency forces people off the fence into buying like crazy. It’s stupidly simple to use on both web pages and in emails and it just works!

- Lucas Garvin

Ready for Sales Every Day?

Start Boosting Your Conversions!

Get Steady Sales Ethically

Our Most Valuable Conversion Tool For One Time Payment

Paste a ticking timer right into your emails and watch people buy like crazy.

How We Can Make 

Countdown Hero a Lifetime Deal:

Unlike many lifetime softwares, Countdown Hero is not our whole business. It’s just the tip. Our main business is online courses and a membership about all things email marketing. As part of this membership we include a software suite of tools for our monthly paying members - Countdown Hero is one of those tools. (And we never planned on making it available outside).

It’s the fact we have a whole business behind Countdown Hero that means we can offer this amazing deal and introduce you to us and our work and hope that some of you will then go on to buy more from us too.

And as if that’s not enough - we use Countdown Hero ourselves personally in more than 5 different automated campaigns that are running day and night, 24/7 so of course we’re going to keep it running and pumping in those sales every single day.

30 Day No Reason Money-Back Guarantee

We know it's only $97 but you don't even need to decide now. Dive into Countdown Hero and get it all set up in your campaigns. If you don't feel like it's giving your promotions the right lift in sales, we'll refund you. In fact, if you don't like Countdown Hero for any reason - then drop us one single email to anytime within 30 days and we'll refund every penny you paid. We'll cover the transaction fees etc. out of our own pocket.

Get an extra $30 off…

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